Queen of Deflection

Hello how are you?
Terrific and you?
Your mom and dad?
How about that sister of yours?
By the time you walk away
having regaled me with tales
of normality and bliss,
you will have forgotten the pain
reflected on my face.
I am the Queen of deflection.
 I cannot allow you too deep
for within the shadows my beasts strain
wanting to partake.
Though leashed and muzzled
still they try,
wanting to break free and control
the singular puppet I am,
for their macabre tastes.
I weep and I cry
but there is no escape
for I am entrapped within a cell
of my own making.
©Jay-lyn Doerksen
Dec. 3/17

Author: Jay-lyn Doerksen

A single hard working mom of a soon to be teenage son. A poet and story teller I have wanted to write since I was a child. This space is where I share stories about myself and my life and the creative poetry that stirs my soul. My hope is you will pull up a chair and a cup of coffee delving into the world that I offer and you find simple enjoyment for a few moments. Welcome to The Wonderful & Wacky World of One Single Mom

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