Monster under the Bed

Writhing beneath
black ooze
coating the walls
as escape is sought.
Mind tortures
bitter tasting
invade all aspects
pushing me into a corner
teeth bared
rabid with fear
trying to protect myself.
Falling down the rabbit hole
dream like state
wrought in fear
sanity of mine
it is at stake.
I am lost
deep beneath
seeking sunshine
not this death of soul
of heart
of humanity
changing me to a monster
the one that I never sought.
Deep within this vault
whisps of nightmares
all stirred together
making the cauldron
boil and bubble.
Vicious screams
ripping through the night
no longer am I simple
no longer am I that girl
I have become…..
the monster under the bed
the one feared 
the one seeking justice
the one lurking in the mirror
the one burnishing the silver blade.
©May 15/19
Picture via Pinterest

Author: Jay-lyn Doerksen

A single hard working mom of a soon to be teenage son. A poet and story teller I have wanted to write since I was a child. This space is where I share stories about myself and my life and the creative poetry that stirs my soul. My hope is you will pull up a chair and a cup of coffee delving into the world that I offer and you find simple enjoyment for a few moments. Welcome to The Wonderful & Wacky World of One Single Mom

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