New Definition of Ages

I have finally entered adulthood. You laugh but truth is……I do not think that we have the right of it regarding age.
I am beginning to believe this:
0-20 we are children. Inclined to doing what we want. Not really grasping the concept of repercussions. Finding ourselves. Children.
20-40/45 we are teenagers. Rash. Looking for our place in the world. Experimenting. Spreading our wings and living our lives but still with a foothold in the familial home.
45+ we are adults. Responsible. Grouchy. Rolling our eyes at the fallacy of youth. Paying our bills on time. Comfortable within ourselves. Knowing what it is that we want. Not willing to settle for less. Accepting. Our sense of selves solidifies.
I had a special delivery today.
My very first vacuum.
Not like my first first but the first that I have purchased for myself.
Much like the non-stick Good Cook pan I purchased recently.
I ordered the vacuum a Bissell off of Amazon on Sunday. It shipped Monday. Received……today.
I put it together and took it for a test spin. OMG but I am in love. It sucks so well. I vacuumed yesterday and yet dirt……
Never use to make my bed.
Decided that I needed to do so.
Every day…..even if I did not feel like doing it….I did.
I am proud to say that I now make my bed daily.
Sometimes it is not immediately but it gets made.
Mom I know you are smiling at this.
I am more serene.
More okay with things.
I find that I am looking at things differently.
I find that I am most grateful. For my job. For my son. For my ability to care for both of us.
I am happy. Like all the time.
That in and of its self is something I am still getting use to.
No longer do I see only the negative. No longer do I use negative language. I realize I once was a miserable woman. Well teenager…..which makes sense no? Angst and all? And zits. Who still has zits at 40? A teenager that is who.
I am happy.
Which I believe is what we all want adulthood to be.
We want to be content with the lives that we are living.
With the choices that we are making.
Before I had this epiphany I thought that there was something wrong with me.
That it had taken me so long to catch up with my peers and adulthood.
Than this thought came to me and well…….it totally changed how I viewed things.
Based upon my new definition of age I am only 22…..about to be 23……how about you?
48 never looked so good now that I understand the true aging system.
May 7/20
Picture is my own

Author: Jay-lyn Doerksen

A single hard working mom of a soon to be teenage son. A poet and story teller I have wanted to write since I was a child. This space is where I share stories about myself and my life and the creative poetry that stirs my soul. My hope is you will pull up a chair and a cup of coffee delving into the world that I offer and you find simple enjoyment for a few moments. Welcome to The Wonderful & Wacky World of One Single Mom

30 thoughts on “New Definition of Ages”

  1. I don’t know about exact numbers but I certainly agree that it’s somewhere in out 40s that we start to come to terms with who we are, what we want out of life and what we realistically hope to achieve.

    So that makes me 51 going on 35 😉

    Liked by 2 people

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