Harbored Tempest

Delighted lips
body’s desire
heat driving
lust impaling
make me yours
I will make you mine
our limbs entwined.
limbs shake
mouth trembles with need
tongue caresses
plunging hands into hair
pulling my face close
breathing in my scent
claiming me
making me yours
all intents
and I want to be.
I want to be your good girl.
I want to be your dirty slut.
I want to be your everything…..
Your all.
Fantasies played
no danger
protection felt in your arms
allowing me
my truth
my relase
my time
when my mind is silenced
for a short while.
©July 21/20
Picture via Pinterest

Author: Jay-lyn Doerksen

A single hard working mom of a soon to be teenage son. A poet and story teller I have wanted to write since I was a child. This space is where I share stories about myself and my life and the creative poetry that stirs my soul. My hope is you will pull up a chair and a cup of coffee delving into the world that I offer and you find simple enjoyment for a few moments. Welcome to The Wonderful & Wacky World of One Single Mom

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