Makes Me Happy

I started cleaning the bathroom.
Which lead to sweeping the kitchen.
Which lead to getting the vacuum out and doing bedroom and little hall.
Which lead to the decision to move my couch.
I moved the table back to the other end.
The other day I was looking under the couch checking for Loki’s balls.
The back leg is a little cocked over.
Today as I moved the couch the leg fell off.
I had to jury rig it so that the end would not fall down.
This means the end of my moving the couch.
Unless I take the legs off the other ends.
I called to T and asked him to come out and give me a hand.
He comes out and groans as he sees that I have everything pulled apart.
T: You’re moving the couch again?
Me: It makes me happy.
T: I thought I made you happy.
Me: You do. Like 99.9% of the time. The other .10% is moving things around.
As I was finishing the living room I asked T to throw the towels in the dryer.
I had done the laundry and included the bath mats in the load.
T told me that there were no towels in the wash.
I was hmmmmm maybe I put them in the dryer?
Asked T if the dryer was on.
He said no so I asked him to turn it back on.
A little while later I went into the washroom to discover the lid of the washing machine up with the laundry still in the wash.
Perplexed I opened the dryer to find it empty.
Me: TOED what the hell?
Go stick my head in his room.
Me: I thought I asked you to put the towels in the dryer?
T: There are no towels in the washer. Just the mats.
Me: The towels were underneath. Why did you not put in the dryer?
T: Because you asked me to put the towels in. There were no towels.
Me: But I asked you…..why would you not put the stuff in the washer into the dryer?
T Because you asked me to put the towels in.
Suddenly waving my hand in the air:
Me: This. This right here. This is you being blonde. OMG!
T: What do you mean?
I walked away.
Shaking my head.
T followed me out of his room.
T: It’s not my fault that you had sex with a blonde man and he is my father.
I cannot even some days people.
I cannot even.
©Oct. 30/21
Picture is from Pinterest

Author: Jay-lyn Doerksen

A single hard working mom of a soon to be teenage son. A poet and story teller I have wanted to write since I was a child. This space is where I share stories about myself and my life and the creative poetry that stirs my soul. My hope is you will pull up a chair and a cup of coffee delving into the world that I offer and you find simple enjoyment for a few moments. Welcome to The Wonderful & Wacky World of One Single Mom

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