Not Every Day Is A Good Day

Today was a hard ass day. 
Not work wise.
Now logically I know that my tears and rage boil down to my hormones.
My hot flashes are doing a segue to night sweats again.
And I want to hurt people.
Not in the good way either.

Frustrated with co-workers and customers.
Leave and my fricken car won't start.
I was in tears.
Our florist and one of the girls from the pet store rode to my rescue.
A guy did hop out to lend a light and because while we knew what went where we were unsure of the order.
Needless to say the booster pack will be going into the car.

I arrived home nearly calm from the disarray and trip over the boxes at the top of the stairs.
The boxes I had text T about to take down to the garbage.
The same boxes I told him this morning had to go down with the kitchen garbage.
Nor had the dishes been done.
I was annoyed.
T whined he had been cold from the walk home.
I snapped at him that I did not want to come home from work to do more work that I had asked him to do.

Took out the garbage.
Washed dishes.
Had shower before I made supper.
Sat down and relaxed.

My day today was not terrible.
I mean I was 8 minutes late for work because T.
I only had three orders.
The third order they wrote down alfredo sauce etc. so I am hopeful that my choices were good.
I was working hard to get as much facing done as possible.

But as K pointed out to me I should be grateful for the child I have because there are those who cannot and a car to get me to and from work where others have to walk.
K really is smart.
Intuitive and she always helps me stay focused on the right things.

Maybe I need to have a section called K's Wisdom.

©Dec. 6\21
Picture is my own

Author: Jay-lyn Doerksen

A single hard working mom of a soon to be teenage son. A poet and story teller I have wanted to write since I was a child. This space is where I share stories about myself and my life and the creative poetry that stirs my soul. My hope is you will pull up a chair and a cup of coffee delving into the world that I offer and you find simple enjoyment for a few moments. Welcome to The Wonderful & Wacky World of One Single Mom

14 thoughts on “Not Every Day Is A Good Day”

      1. I get it. I remember years ago I was having a really bad time at work. I stopped on the way home and ran a few errands. When I arrived home, I dropped the bag with the bottle of wine I had bought on the garage floor and it shattered. I sat there and cried. I wasn’t crying about the wine—I was crying about everything else going on. Sometimes it’s that one thing that tips you over the edge.

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