Satisfaction Is……

I forgot to turn my alarm off this morning. Took 2 minutes before the actual alarm penetrated my brain. I turned it off and rolled over to go back to sleep which lasted another 49 minutes.

By 6:45 a.m. I was cleaning. 

At 8:3o a.m. I was totally done and just had my exercise to finish. So I did. And by 9 a.m. I was back on the couch with a cup of coffee everything done but the last load of laundry which was drying.

I was unable to sit outside today. The Weather Gods decided that they would not be co-operative and give me some sun. it has been chillier than it should be on June 25th but I will wait. Soon they will provide me with great weather. Where I can sit out and enjoy the heat and my books. 

Happy Saturday.

June 25t/22

Author: Jay-lyn Doerksen

A single hard working mom of a soon to be teenage son. A poet and story teller I have wanted to write since I was a child. This space is where I share stories about myself and my life and the creative poetry that stirs my soul. My hope is you will pull up a chair and a cup of coffee delving into the world that I offer and you find simple enjoyment for a few moments. Welcome to The Wonderful & Wacky World of One Single Mom

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