And Just like that He lost the Election

Joe Biden does not believe what is happening in Palestine is a genocide.

Welcome to the New Reich America.

Election Day

Today it is election day here in Manitoba. I am sitting here watching the results as they come in.

Anyone who knows me knows I am not Conservative in the least. The PC party here in Manitoba sickens me. There have been so many missteps that I cannot even begin to count them.

I am sure that most people in Canada are aware of the controversy here in Manitoba and if not I will explain.

There is a private landfill site in Manitoba were the remains of two Indigenous women are thought to be found. They, along with a third unidentified Indigenous woman are victims of a man accused of being a serial killer.

The PC party refused to search the landfill.

And then politicized the whole thing by running on a Standing Firm platform.

That is right they had billboards declaring they were Standing Firm on not searching the landfill.

Too expensive.

Too dangerous.

Cost: $84-100 Million dollars not the $184 million being touted.

Surveys and studies by Sanitation groups that have proven the search can be done safely, without injury to workers who would be wearing protective equipment.

The Federal Government is weighing in on the possibility of funding the search themselves.

The other billboard and this one lasted I believe approximately 5 hours said something to the effect of vote how you feel not as how others tell you to vote. Do not submit to peer pressure because no one is watching your vote.

In other words, don’t be ashamed that you share our controversial positions because no one will know you voted for us. Embrace racism. Embrace lies. Embrace 4 more years of watching us drive the province into the ground. No one will ever know.

It is 10:15 my time and I am still watching. Apparently there are now some problems and Elections Manitoba has paused the info being given out.

So while it looks like the NDP are the winners, I guess we will have to wait until morning for the full results.