Are Your Emotions Taking Over?

As I sat reading this last evening so much of it resonated with me. I saw myself in each point made. Today I went back and reread it again and realized that once more it was what I needed to see at this point and time.

Discovering Your Happiness

Hello loves ❤

When we stop doing things that numb, deny and avoid our emotions, we start becoming aware of them. When we become aware of them, what we are really doing is allowing them. That’s when something incredible starts to happen: we begin the process of releasing.

When you feel safe enough to let yourself feel, you start to unpack old wounds that you disassociated from to protect yourself.

Our bodies are genius, super-conscious wells of silent wisdom, and it is through feeling that they communicate with us. Most, however, are clogged with a backlog of old feelings, grievances, losses and beliefs we never reconciled. We start to believe that the fear and trauma is the communication system when in fact it is in the way of the communication system working effectively.

Here, everything you need to know if you’re in the process of releasing, but are feeling…

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