When Liars Lie

Liars liars everywhere.

In the press.

At all levels of government.

But the worst is that we are watching Israel lie and lie and lie and kill and murder and rape and lie and lie and lie.

What do the world leaders do?

Wring hands.

Pat on the back.

Fuck it all.

The US threatens to reduce the weaponry that they are providing for the continuation of the genocide in Gaza.

But really have they stopped?

Burn it down.

Not Gaza.

Not Palastine.

Burn down the Zionist government of Israel.

Burn down the governments of the worlds that use people as fodder for a war that no one wants.

Burn down the mainstream press that colludes with Israel in denying to report the actual truth.

CNN reported on that Hindi, the 6 year old that was murdered in a vehicle surrounded by murdered family members, was a woman.

A fucking woman.

Because it is more palpable to say that a woman was martyred rather than a six year old.

Downplayed the reality and truth.

Truth that is posted daily and taken down daily because the powers that be still hope that they can turn the balance of these untruths and failure of their own humanity.

Burn it down.

Fire is a great equalizer.

It has no political agenda.

Do I mean to actually go out and begin to commit arson?

Obviously not.

However there are other ways to light a fire that will cleanse the earth and corruption that feeds upon the souls of the innocent.

There are ways to take away the money and the ‘power’ that these people have only because they have money.

The 1% are not the powerful.

We the people who live a real life are the true power.

We the people who struggle to provide answers for our children because white men have decided that guns and money are more important than their lives.

We the people who struggle to right the wrongs that the 1% and their political allies have wrought.

The other day T mentioned that 10% of the population having all the world’s wealth is wrong. When I told him that it was really only 1% he said that makes it even worse.

I asked him if he understood than, why I say that if we were to win the lottery, that we have an obligation to make things better for others. That having that much money really is evil if you are not using it for good.

I don’t know about you, but who the fuck requires a 20,000 square foot home?

I sure as hell don’t.

The home I lived in with the ex was 924 square feet including the front porch.

I found that too big.

I would be happy with a little house in the forest with a small stream running through my property.

I do not need to have 12 different houses in 12 different places with staff running each one.

I need a world that is peaceful.

I need a world that is not run by a few while the rest of us struggle.

I need a world that lives as it speaks.

I need a world that is not created by lies and perpetrated by liars.

I need a world that is love not hate.

But as most of you will point out to me, my fantasy is not reality.

Reality is money, war and more money spent on killing more babies.

Money spent on raping women and children.

Money spent to drape the world in pretty lies so that the depth of corruption, the tangles of black sin that wraps itself through all aspects of life, is made palpable.

Money spent on the protection of those who do not deserve it while the innocents suffer.

You do not have to like my tone.

You do not have to like my words.

You do not have to like the passion I bring to the things I fight for.

You do not have to read my words.

I understand that.

But liars will lie and without being made to face the truth, they will destroy what little is left on this earth.

And then where will we all be?

The heading picture is from an account that I follow depicting the trauma and reality that is being faced by Palestinians in Gaza. It is not my picture by a long shot but one that I truly hope becomes a reality.