Sweet Dreams

Hush little one
please don't weep
I am doing my best
to help you rest
but sometimes
it is so hard to break through.
have raised their voices
walking in the streets
hands held in solidarity;
yet here they come
black and white
red all over
sirens arch through the night
down the missiles fall-
let me cover your face.
Hush little one
please don't weep
I shall go for food
I promise.
If needs must
I will sacrifice parts of myself
to ensure that you are not eating
grass and dirt.
I will do my best to run the course
passing through the bullets
I will try
darling o'mine
to return
let me cover you to sleep.
Hush little darling
don't you weep
they are coming
the others will be handed their defeat.
Hush little child
don't you weep
the world is watching
no longer wiling to put up with deceit.
Hush little child
don't you cry.....
no longer do you need comfort
the world knows why;
no longer do you need me.
Hush little child
please don't cry.....

Once was a favorite lull-a-bye.
Now it is written upon the shrouds
of children who have done naught
but be born Palestinian.

From The River To The Sea🇦🇪 Palestine will be free.🇦🇪
This will happen.🇦🇪
There is no doubt.🇦🇪

©May 25/24