Sunshine and Books

Today it was warm enough that I sat outside.

Finished off two books that I was almost all the way through. One was deleted and the other I put the 2nd book onto my wish list.

I sat out for almost 3 hours.

Burned my belly a little bit.

T had gone over to his friend’s to hang put for the afternoon. I messaged him to let him know I might nap and to let me know when he was on his way.

He did.

I did not hear phone so he had to knock on the window to wake me.

Apparently I was sleeping hard because he had to knock 3x.

I let him in and laid back down on the couch. At least I thought I laid down.

I had not.

T came out and asked me what I was doing. I did not respond.

He came put of the bathroom and again asked me what I was doing.

I was sitting up on rhe couch, legs pulled up with my glasses on. I was asleep though. T even waved his hand in front of my face. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

When he told me this I howled.

I did not realize how tired I was.

The sun probably had a hand in it too.