
How do people not see this and scream for action to be taken to stop this?

Why are people not taking their elected officials to task?

What is so much more important that we are willing to allow our souls to bleed from our bodies and turn blind eyes to these atrocities?

Our worlds will implode and when they do not one of us is allowed to cry out and ask what we have done to deserve this?

Because we know.

Both pictures are from a page I have chosen to follow on Facebook.

I choose not to look away.

I choose to see the pain.

I choose to see the horror.

Thing is I see it all from the safety of my couch and home.

They get to see it all up close and personal.


When is enough enough?

When do you finally say you know what you have gone too far?

When do you finally say I no longer can support you?

Why are you refusing to hear the voices raised?

Why are you taking sides with a demagogue who is so blatantly a liar?

He shall reap the rewards of his trespasses.

A Zionist Hitler.

Oxymoron yet so apropos.

An evil man who tells you what he will do and yet you still hold your hand out in friendship.


They are trying to raze Rafah.

They are closing borders to humanitarian aid.

They refuse to accept any cease-fire that does not give them what they want.

And what they want is the entirety of Palestine and a fucking pat on the back.

At what point do you awaken from the fog you are living in and see the reality.

Women and children.




And yet you still persist in goodwill to a terrorist state.

Shame on you.

Shame on all who believe this is not a genocide but the just actions of a demoralized group.

Shame on you for hiding behind false platitudes.




With the same finger I shake at you, there are four more pointing back at me. Announcing my own shame to the world.

I cannot watch and read every day about the atrocities happening to the Palestinian people. And in that I fail.

I do not write every day about the atrocities, trying in my own small way to make sense. And in that I fail.

I am not on TV.

I do not have a large following. I have a core group of bloggers and readers that is small and sometimes smaller because my views are not popular.

But I will not stop speaking out when I can.

I will not stop sharing articles.

I will not stop calling world leaders murderers and terrorist enablers. Rapists. For with their complacency they become complicit and for that should be charged.

I will not stop.

For within churns a boiling pit of shame for not standing up and using my voice when I can.

I am a coward at times and it is easy to turn my eyes from the articles. To look up at my brilliant blue sky where all I have to worry about is a Canadian Goose shitting on my head.
