Countdown……37 Hours to Go

I am like a little kid.
Oh yeah……I cannot wait to wake Tember up and watch him open gifts.
I love seeing him surprised.
It makes me happier to give than to receive.
And I mean that.
My wants and needs are simple:
Child happy.
Ex and I on good terms.
Writing spooling out of me.
Work going well.
Until it comes to that time……holidays.
If you have been with me for awhile you know what holidays mean to me.
If you haven’t well I will explain as best I can.
It took me a long time.
A very long time…..
but I finally came to realize this…..I will be damned if I am going to work my butt off to get paid to stay at home and do more work.
No way.
Uh huh.
My vacation time is just that……vacation from life.
From the day to day normality.
It is time to say….I am going to write and read. I am going to nap in the afternoon. I am going to stay up until 1 a.m. watching t.v. In bed. If I want to stay in bed until noon I can do that.
Because I have earned it.
I deserve to do what I want to do…..not what is expected.
Tember knows that I am on holidays but he is beginning to want to spend what time he gets with dad with dad. I mentioned what day I was off this week and how he was still going to dad’s and he was all ‘mom I would not even want to stay home with you….It is dad’s week.’
So all guilt gone out the window.
My time off is to rejuvenate.
To spend time on me and the things that I enjoy doing.
Temps are suppose to warm up.
I have several new books downloaded to my Kindle.
I am counting down…..
counting the hours……
until for 10 days I can shut off work/responsible Jay and be Jay doing what she wants to do…..when she wants to do it……because she is on holidays!!!!!!
I apologize for talking about myself in the 3rd person but it works. 🙂
Picture is my own.