A Little Lesson

Today T and me were suppose to clean.

It goes much faster when the two of us do it but I gave him a pass today. Despite feeling fine, he has a stuffed up nose and raspy cough.  I was sneezing like crazy this morning but doubled my dose of Vitamin C.

Also he agreed to make brunch and supper.

I had run the dishwasher and as I was cleaning the bathroom I asked T to turn the tap off in the kitchen.  And to open and close the door to reset the machine.

He absolutely agreed to do it and came out of his room to do so.

And then turned around and went to walk away.

I stuck my head out of the door and chuckled. Calling him back I had a small  chat with him.

Me: Buddy, I am going to say something. I am not asking you to unload the dishwasher. And this is not a trick so that you go to your room and I get mad. When I asked you to come out and turn the water off, open and close the door, it would be nice if you thought further to it would help mom if I unloaded the dishwasher.

T looks at me.

Me: Seriously buddy, you do not have to unload the dishwasher. I wanted to use this asca lesson to explain how you could see it. You were already standing there.

And I let him go back to his room. I unloaded the dishwasher and finished cleaning. T took the garbage and recycling out.

One day T will just do it. 

And it will be one more step towards adulthood.