
How do people not see this and scream for action to be taken to stop this?

Why are people not taking their elected officials to task?

What is so much more important that we are willing to allow our souls to bleed from our bodies and turn blind eyes to these atrocities?

Our worlds will implode and when they do not one of us is allowed to cry out and ask what we have done to deserve this?

Because we know.

Both pictures are from a page I have chosen to follow on Facebook.

I choose not to look away.

I choose to see the pain.

I choose to see the horror.

Thing is I see it all from the safety of my couch and home.

They get to see it all up close and personal.

Giving More Money Away

$10 Billion US in unrestriicted military aid is on its way to Israel.

I feel sorry for the US.

Two choices for president and both are piss poor examples of morality and common sense.

Joe Biden has already proven to be a monster.



Murderer of children.

Rapist of men and women and children.

Abuser of the people who voted for him.

Donald Trump will raze the US constitution and rewrite history.

He has proven to be a clown with a posse riding shotgun to the Whitehouse doors.

He has ripped children from their mothers arms using his ‘illegals are all murderers and drug runners’ rhetoric to sell it to the people.

Have to wonder if he is part of a child trafficking ring.

So many had gone missing from the camps he sequestered them in.

He uses vile language to cause irreparable harm and division amongst level headed people and the stupidity that follows him.

Russia and Israel will become his handfast maidens. Billions of aid will funnel to both countries who will then obliterate those that stand in their way.

Billions of dollars to fund illegal wars.

Cronyism will be even more flagrant.

The ability of people to make any choices will be striped away.

I feel sorry for the people of the United States.

Its abrupt downfall is beginning to be seen.

It’s leaders  lack of morality is blazing across the skies in vibrant colors that even those who lack sight are capable of seeing.

Screams of fear and horror rip through the ether filling every spare inch of space that those who lack the ability to hear are being broken beneath the thundering noise.

This video/reel from Facebook started my outrage.


It should outrage you too.