Condemnation from the Deities

We stood upon the mountain top watching the world destroy itself.

Watching humanity bleed into the ground.

Saw the rise of hatred.

Saw the lack of empathy.

Saw how money trumps lives.

Saw how former super powers did absolutely nothing to stop the ravaging of Palestine and rape and murder of Palestinian boys, girls, men and women.

We saw how the US funneled funds progressing a war no one wanted.

And we saw the bombs fall.

And we saw the tanks emerge from the dust.

You have all failed.

There is no morality.

Know that by My hand and by My voice I reject your prayers and asks.

Your homilies.

Your services.

Corruption bleeds through politics and religion.

I gave the world one chance.

I have given  you the tools to thrive and live in peace.

Yet, time and again you have proven to what you will kneel and pray.

We take unto our hearts all the fallen children.

We take unto our hearts the martyred.

We take unto our heart the innocence that has been torn apart.

I reject the clerics of organized religion.

They have twisted and turned the words meant as a guide, not a blueprint, into a jumble of heaven and hell.

There once was no hell.

But when enough people believe it will appear.

And it works to my advantage.

We all talk about boundaries.

Well here we go, God just set one.

Stop the brutality.

Our eyes and heart see and know all.

There will be no entrance to the realm of heaven.

Your false piety grates.

There can be no uprising amongst the angels when all are agreed, mankind might be God’s greatest failure.