Tag Day or Should I say Night

Monthly we have our large tag switch over.

Really every 6 weeks or so.

New catalogue ad runs until August 7th.

Yesterday I worked 7-3:30.

Came home and hung out with T for a bit. We had supper and by 6:15 I was in bed. Alarm went off at 11 but I reset til 11:30. And I am glad I did.

When I got to work with my coffee and water I realized I had forgotten my key card. So I had to call to be let in.

Figuring we would be done early and we were. I took none of my breaks so was able to leave at 7:30.

One would think when I got home I would have gone to sleep.

But no.

Lol I stayed up until about 11.

As T got up I was curling up on couch for a nap.

Were I to go and lay down in bed, I would have slept too long screwing up my sleep for tonight.

I woke up just after 1.

Made coffee.

T made food.

I worked out and am relaxing now before I head to dinner with the girls.

People think it is so weird I worked 7-3:30, came home and went back to work.

What no one seems to get is that it is like I get a whole extra day off with pay.

At least in my mind.