Learning I am

Some days are a bit harder than others.

Some days make me shake my head.

And some days like today are a learning experience.

After a month and a half I started doing department audits again.

I was hoping for more but not surprised or disappointed that things had gotten slack. Having me in your department every other week with my clipboard looking for things tends to keep people on their toes.  No one wants to hear me mutterng to myself that is never a good sign.

Today’s near head to head came with a lesson. Which I only figured out right before I started to write my post.

There are certain guide lines and temperature marks that we need to meet.

If it is above 4 degrees celsius, product goes into the cooler until the temp drops to range.

I was in the department checking temperatures and they were a little higher than they should have been.

I also watched the new guy take product from the tray and put it into the bin to take out on floor. He did not temp check. So I asked him if he was going to temp check and he looked at me like a deer in the headlights. No idea what I was talking about.

Now the department manager does not like this and takes me to task. I began to get annoyed and then said it will be marks off on the audit if product is above temp.

His response he was going to ask BB.

I repeated you are going to ask BB? (And yes there was a little heat there)

Than I laughed and said go right ahead.

Long story short 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he was told to make smaller batches so product did not get too warm.

And this is the lesson I just realized.

Why was I getting annoyed and upset?

Because he was challenging me.

No one likes to be challenged.

However and this is key, I know my shit.

So I need to learn to just smile and let it go. I mean I would not be in this role if I did not know my stuff. And it has been proven through 2 years of great audit marks. ☺️☺️

I may have been a little petty though.

I was told product came right from cooler how could temp still be high?

The infra red had not been calibrated.

The cooler must be warm.

I noted what had been said to me on the audit and asked if it was possible that there was an issue with that cooler.

You know and I know there is nothing wrong with the cooler.
