And Now to the Left

Due to the cysts found in my right breast last year I had to get another mammogram done this year.

Last week while on holidays.

May 23rd.

Tuesday got a phone call.

Yesterday connected.

Appointment for ultrasound is tomorrow morning.

This time for my left breast

And once more there I was again feeling around and checking all over again because how could I have missed it?

I felt something but it turned out to be bone. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

While everyone is telling me not to worry to of my friends, K and Z, have both told me to let the emotions out.

Feel all the feelings.

It is ok to be scared.

It is ok to cry.

I cried at work.

I cried at home.

I am crying this morning.

What K calls my pretty cry.

Tears just leak from the corners of my eyes.

I know that it will be nothing.

I mean past year I was sure if there were going to be any issues that it would be the left side not the right.

I guess at the very least I won’t be unbalanced. 🤣🤣🤣🤣