And I Nearly Killed Her

Not with intent.

Thursday morning was my 7-10 opening shift working the self checkout.

I was opening with C who has had a rough time of it of late.

When I arrived she was so excited because she had finished everything. Which if you knew C she has struggled with. I told her how proud of herself she should be given our conversations and I was super proud of her too.

I was further down the row of tills and she was standing at CS when she announced that she had better eat her cheese string. It was in her pocket and getting warm.

Now as previously proven I am a bit of a weirdo. I come to work with toothpaste all of the the front of me. And now my hearing is going to boot.

I heard: I had better eat my g-string.

When I told C I thought I was going to have to have to save her from choking on her damn cheese string. I told her to quit laughing until she had thoroughly chewed and swallowed the food in her mouth.

We laughed all day about it.

When I told K she was dying she laughed so hard.

Then J heard one of our cashiers say ‘I’m just going to turn off my light boobs.’

What he said was ‘I’m just going to turn off my light buuuuulllb.’