Oh What A Monday

Ever have that panicked feeling that you know you put something somewhere but cannot find it?

That was me yesterday.

I finishes getting ready for work and was filling my apron. Pens. 12. Pencil. 1. Highlighter 1. Black marker 1. I realized half the pens were used up and tossed them. So technically I was down to 6.

I went to grab my small notebook and keys. The keys to open my door at work. The cash office. The till. My override card is taped to a piece of notebook cover all on a key ring.

I stood looking in stupification at the empty counter in the bathroom. Please note that I cleaned Saturday. I began to panic. I quadruple checked the bathroom and my box for odds and ends. I pulled out the junk drawer where I found my lip balm but not my keys or notepad.

I was talking to myself. Retracing Saturday’s steps.

I had taken most garbage down so there was a clean bag in the garbage can. Although clean is relative. I pulled it out, shook it hoping to hear the jingle of keys.


Checked bathroom again and threw up my hands. I had to go.

On the way to work it dawned on me that Friday I had used my keys to switch quantities on an order. Was it possible that I had left them there?

When I got to work I sped walked inside. Clocked in and said hello as I quickly walked down to my till. First thing I saw turning the side was my book on the bagging table. Heart slowed down a little bit.

Fingers crossed I pulled open the drawer and low and behold what did I find but my keys! I was jumping up and down so happy and cheering.

After my heart settled and I put my jacket in back I returned to my till where there was a Christmas present waiting for me.

The note said when she saw it J (last week’s birthday girl) had thought I would love it. But if I hated it I could get rid of it.

Carefully I peeled the paper off.

When I saw it I began giggling and once more jumping around. She had gotten me an Adult Swear Word Coloring Book! I love it.

When I paged her to thank her you could tell I was giggling over the P.A.

Unfortunately I wanted to color last night but it got away from me. Tonight I shall begin!