Reaping All You Have Sown

My ire is high.


I have an imagination.

I have ears.

I have heard the threats made.

Joe Biden in all his glorious stupidity just handed the United Sates of America over to the New Reich that Donald Trump will usher in.

Rights of women and the LGBT2S+  community will be devastated.

Women will no longer have the freedoms they fought so hard for.

Backroom alley abortions will become the norm.

Internment camps.

Gallows built for the perceived enemies.

Guns for all.

As long as you are a white male.

Joe Biden sunk to such a low yesterday that Satan and God had a meeting.

God doesn’t want him.

Helll doesn’t want him.

Purgatory though, the place to go to work through those sins that kept you from entering heaven, has a room that is waiting for him.

And it ain’t a pretty room.

Joe Biden is a Zionist Catholic. 

He believes Israel is an entity unto itself that can do no wrong.

He announced that what is happening in Gaza is not a genocide.

So Joe tell me what the fuck is it then?

If the slaughter of children is not enough to make you weep Joe Biden then you are the Devil and you hell is returning to rhe earth, fires flamed by your rhetoric and absolute spineless buffonery that you exhibit.

You are not funny.

You are not witty.

And right now the God  turns his face from you.

God will remove the blessings of your life until all that is left is a memory of the life you had.

And be ready Joe Biden for Purgatory ain’t all butterflies and rainbows.

You will have to answer to the children you have slaughtered.

Get your sleep now Joe.

Because Purgatory will be non-stop battery of bombs falling upon you,

White phosphorous landing and burning.

Thousands of tonnes of rubble will fall upon you.

Burying you.

You will hear the voices of rhe rescuers but they will never reach you.

You will be tortured by shades of all the children that you have allowed to be murdered.

You will have no rest.

You will have no respite.

For Joe, not even a thousand years will erase the stains of the sins that have blackened your soul.

Joe thought he stood at the right arm of God.

Joe thought wrong.

Joe shall be made to pay.

For once Purgatory is done with him, there is a brand new level of hell that is being created as I write. 

A hell for Joe Biden,Trudeau, Western Political Leaders and the mouthpieces in the media.

A hell to party it up with his buddy Netanyahu and all his cronies.

Well party is not what I would term a slow plunge into the vicious black acidic lava lakes that release plumes of rancid fat to coat the body as inch by inch it is lowered into the scalding flame.

No screams will be heard.

Only absorbed and reverberated back upon them as they twist and turn slowly upon the hooks that their bodies have been impaled on.

Screams of small children will prance upon exposed skin and all of it will be exposed, burrowing beneath the flesh, swimming through the veins, replacing blood with severed innocence, an engulfing pain and lack of understanding.

There will be no pause.

There will be no escape.

And any escape that you fo fathom, is just a game Joe.

Play it with faith and maybe you will get ot heaven.


That door has slammed shut in your face.

PS: The World is beginning to strip you of your tarnished crown.

Sparkling Venom

When the Powers of the West fail so badly in its morality, the Powers of the East shall raise the mirror and ask:

‘Who is the ugly one now?’

History is repetitive.

History is never learned from.

For it it was:

Lessons could have been learned from World War II.

Lessons could have been learned during the 50’s and 60’s in the US about race relations.

Lessons could have been learned to gracefully accept responsibility while finding a way forward with the people you abused.

Lessons could be learned if the fucking white assholes who think they are superior to all but have the mental capacity of a dull pencil, were not put on charge.

Lessons could be learned if all the money in the world was not held by individuals who hoard it rather than using it for the good it could do.

Lessons all around us.

And yet none of those lessons have been learned.

And to make matters even better, all the lessons are being whitewashed to make the perpetrators of crimes look innocent.

If you were stupid enough to be on the wrong side of humanity and there is proof of your disgusting behavior, in 20 years you cannot cry and say you are afraid others will find out.

You cannot use words to dampen the rage or disgust that friends and family will feel when the truth emerges.

I read an article that men and women, who threw rocks, names, fists, during the desegregation of schools in the south, are horrified now that their grandchildren will find out. And discover that racism and hypocrisy are alive and well in their family line.

If you cannot withstand the anger that follows, the disappointment, when something you have done is found out, here is a PSA:

Don’t fucking do it.

It is easier to be a monster who does not care than to be the person who carries the pains, the screams, the injustice that they see and feel against around them.

It is easier to turn away than to remain watching eyes open.

It is always easier to say not my problem, not my issue, why should I care?

And I say:

The Servant of Evil passes ’round the tray, and humanity drinks of the sparkling venom in those glasses.