Change is Needed

I watched it and cried. Cried. Cried.

We have to change.

We cannot do this any longer.

We cannot divide.

We cannot hate.

We cannot allow others to tell us that we and those who are different are unable, unallowed because of who we are.

How we live, how we love.

How we look.

They are so small and the ones wanting to make a change so big.

Stop division.

Stop the hatred.

And start bringing more love, more diversity, more to help this world we call home. Or don’t and watch it burn to the ground.

YouTube link for those without Facebook


What is a school trustee?

I did not really understand the term but given what I am writing about this morning I thought that I should look up the term according to the province of Alberta which is where the city of Red Deer is which is where the events take place.

School Trustees are responsible for the overall governance and development of policies that guide schools.

Role of School Trustee: Trustees engage with the community in matters related to education. They serve as a liaison to schools. Trustees are responsible for shaping Division policies and procedures.

Trustees do receive a bi-weekly honoraria payment.

Recently a Catholic School Trustee in Red Deer Alberta came under fire for a meme that she had posted on Facebook.

A meme that I find disgusting.

It showed children from WWII Nazi Germany waving flags on one half and on the other children waving Pride flags. At the bottom it stated Brainwashing is still Brainwashing.


And the Catholic School Board she works for will not be removing her from her role-despite clear evidence that she violated its Trustee Code of Conduct and the Education Act.

While not removed she has been censured from attending or participating in committee meetings up to and including any and all held by ASBA and ACSTA-which actually did take a stand and removed her from her role as director.

She is not allowed to officially represent the board or school division in public.

She is not allowed to make any statements regarding the LGBTQ community and the Holocaust.

She is still allowed to attend regular board meetings and bring forward “educational-related issues” for discussion or debate.

Said provisions took effect Tuesday September 26th and remain in effect until the end of her term in Fall of 2025.

However, she should successfully complete sensitivity training about the Holocaust and LGBTQ discrimination as well as training that covers professional school trustee boundaries and appropriate use of social media, cultural sensitivity and human rights. All intended to remind the trustee of her role and responsibilities, to make better decisions in future communications including social media, the conditions will be removed allowing her to function fully as a trustee.

She also must issue a sincere public apology to school division students,, staff and the board, the recognizes the inappropriateness of her actions and she is deeply sorry for anyone that she has offended.

She has 90 days to comply or further sanctions could be forthcoming. Up to and including removal.

This is the part that makes me go wtf?

Her lawyer told press that she cannot in good conscience offer an apology.

Which makes any sensitivity training moot.

Which means it will make no difference so remove the woman and be done with it.

Except she has a lawyer and intends to fight being removed.

In WWII Nazi Germany, children waving flags were being indoctrinated to hate. They were made to believe that with their blonde hair and blue eyes made them elite as opposed to the undesirables.



Mentally and Physically Challenged.




I cannot remember what show or movie I was watching where the young man in the family dressed as a woman. During the start of WWII. The club that he and his friends frequented was raided by the SS, they were rounded up and taken to a detention camp.

I recall a scene that I found so disturbing to watch but I did.

This young man still in his dress was forced to fight his lover while SS soldiers stood egging them on. I cannot recall if it was fists or if knives were involved, I do remember the looks of anguish, of pain, the tears that fell from their eyes as they beat one another to death. I do not even remember who it was that won, however I feel like it was the young man in the dress.

Children waving Pride flags are being indoctrinated in love. In inclusion. In diversity. In all people are deserving of a life to live. They are being taught to see without color. Without hate.

They are being taught that this world is one great big ball of humans that come in every size and color.

This woman needs to be removed from her post.

If she will not do so voluntarily.

Now imagine that a teacher read a story to their class about a little boy with two dads.

Within a day parents who disagreed would be protesting and demanding the removal of the teacher and the book.

Y’all think I am foolin’?

Read about it every time I open up my news app.

People are allowed to teach hate and intolerance but look out if anyone tries to teach love and compassion. Tolerance.

Picture via Pexels Free Photos