My Morality

Definition of morality: Principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

Morality does not rely on others to keep you in check. Everyone has their own set of morals. Their truths of right and wrong, good or bad. And by all means, we are all entitled to our own version of morality.

I am not so kind.

For me there are some things that are so clear cut that I will defend it until the day I die.

Pedophilia is not an alternative loving style. It is a disgusting and those convicted should be castrated. Anyway and anyhow. This includes the removal of testicles of men so convicted. And I will gladly lead rhe charge to bring such a person to justice. Granted while vigilantes are frowned upon there are some instances where I am ok with it.

Yes, morally, I am alright with someone taking their own personal justice on a person who has mauled a child, killing their innocence and life. 

But Jay what about the courts and letting justice take place?

Ask yourself does it?

What is the sentence for a pedophile who is then put into protective custody so as not to be beaten and killed by other inmates?

What pain is inflicted here to deter him from again acting upon their urges?

Where is this coming from?

I am tired.

Tired of all the lies and justifications made to ease the minds of those imposing or acting in a manner unbefitting of the human race.

There is no justification for going in and wiping out infrastructure, destroying homes and life, all for the almighty dollar.

Morality is not shades of grey.

Morality is black and white.

I am tired of war mongering.

I am tired of liars getting elected.

I am tired of hearing that by taxing the rich what they should be paying the world economy is going to tank.

I am tired of rabble rousing and no effort made for peace.

No one goes in and makes a place better for the Indigenous population.

They go in, they rape, murder, kill the land and leave.

Where do we begin to make things right?

Where do we go in a world that obsessed over the doings and whereabouts of actors and actresses?

Where social media is now a job?

Where do we go when people care more about the car their neighbor’s kid is driving rather than the child sleeping in a car because his parents cannot afford rent?

I do not have answers.

Well I do.

Stop coveting what everyone else has.

Stop looking upon others with envy.

Just stop.

My life has not always been sunshine and cupcakes.

And I still struggle with things.

A lot.

But if I could snap my fingers ridding the world of conflict, war and assholes (I may have to back off there) I would.

I am not advocating for a return to Eden.

I am advocating for each of us to cultivate our personal piece of Eden within the realms of possibility.

Change is Needed

I watched it and cried. Cried. Cried.

We have to change.

We cannot do this any longer.

We cannot divide.

We cannot hate.

We cannot allow others to tell us that we and those who are different are unable, unallowed because of who we are.

How we live, how we love.

How we look.

They are so small and the ones wanting to make a change so big.

Stop division.

Stop the hatred.

And start bringing more love, more diversity, more to help this world we call home. Or don’t and watch it burn to the ground.

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