It’s Coming!

8 hours.

That is all I have to do.

8 hours and than I am on holidays.

No more people.

No more multiple WTAF?

No more AYFKM?

No more FU!

I will stop murdering people in my daydreams and actual thoughts as I stare at them.

The first four days I am alone.

This is going to be my decompress and rebuild to my usual chill self time. Shake the holiday energies I spent the whole month of December absorbing.

I pick T up on the 1st and have my whole week with him.

Also we both have dental cleaning appointments on January 2 & 3rd respectively.

I also plan to work on my painting.

When I added the reds and did a bunch of other things that did not seem to work, I thought I had ruined it.

However I have been looking at it over the last several days and finally today I saw the images pop out.


Listen to music.

Watch less t.v. and have my phone in my hand less.

A Jay Holiday!