Crazy A Little

It may surprise you to discover I converse with myself. Out loud. Sometimes I need to hear my words spoken, verbalized so I can discount my apprehension of craziness.

Well, okay,,we all know I am crazy. It is just the degrees that vary day to day.

I was reading about a group of Jewish doctors in BC that created a group for themselves. To stop what they viewed as Anti-Semitism. And I read on, because as vocal as I am on the eradication of the Palastinian people and the evils of Zionism, I am just as vocal about not being Anti-Semetic. That not all Jews are the same.

Until I got to the part where she said that it was to be accepted that Israel is the ancient homeland of Jews. I stopped reading after that.

I know, I know. I show my prejudice when I stop 2/3rd’s of the way through because she began to spout Zionistic drivel. Being told that you do not have the right to land that you were not even born on is not Anti-Semetic.

Being told that that someone does not follow the same ideology as you is not Anti-Semetic. By their thinking all Jews who are supporting the ceasefire, who speak out against Israel and its evils are Anti-Semetic.

Israel did not exist until when? 1948.

It was a state created by Britian and endorsed by the Western world to assauge their guilt over their lack of actions during World War II and The Holocaust.

It was a state that did not take into account the Indigenous population that already lived and thrived there. Who lived a robust and thriving life. Had their own passports. Could move as they wished.

I cannot feel sorry for someone who suffers the delusion of entitlement that Zionists live under. I will not, for the world they live in is a world that segregates people based on race, religion and creed.

When the ideology you tout makes you superior to others, gives you special privileges, wants and needs, seems to me the underlying aspect of your religion is arrogance.

Please let me be clear.

I do not believe in Zionism. It is paraded as a religion.

I believe the Jewish faith is a religion. With its own rites and texts. The Torah.

Just as Catholicism/Christianity has its own rites and texts. The Bible.

Just as Muslims have their own rites and texts. The Qu’ran.

All faiths I accept as legitimate.

And that is a lot coming from a woman who does not believe in an almighty being controlling aspects of our lives. Who places worth upon my actions but only if I follow his rules.

Zionists though they do not have a religion.

They hijack aspects of Judiaism that fit within their rhetoric. They use language to attempt to prove their might and right. Their right to a state that did not even exist 80 years ago.

***I watched a clip from West Wing.

The President was so excited to have a map of the Middle East drawn in the late 1700’s.

He wanted to hang it in the reception area to the Oval Office. 

His Aide tells him that he cannot do this.

The President is confused and asks why.

His Aide tells him that some people would ge very upset were he to hang this map.

The President is not understanding. His excitement at this find is more than what the Aide is hinting at.

Finally in exasperation his Aide points out that were Hector half the map ut could be taken to be denial of the Israeli state.

The President looks at him and tells him that Israel did not exist at the time the map was drawn. 150 years before the starecwas created. How could people be upset.***

Bear or Man?

The worst a bear can do to me is maul me and I die.


Well let’s see.

Man can use his size to try and intimidate me.

Man can use his words to abuse and manipulate me.

Man can take what he wants from me and walk away.

No consequences.

Man gets into my head, on loop, telling me I am stupid and worthless. I am only good for one thing.

Man believes he can do whatever he wants whenever without consequences.




So to be clear……I would take my chances with a bear in the woods over a man.