Lets Spring Clean

Another amazing post with great ideas. I swear some days they are living inside my head and know exactly what I need to read.

Discovering Your Happiness

Hello loves ❤

Lets spring clean our lives 🙂 (It’s only Autumn here in Sydney, Australia)

Delete everyone from your life who makes you feel horrible about yourself. Look, I know you may think this is hard to do, but the person who is constantly trying to bring you down about your weight, the friend who constantly passes back handed compliments, the boyfriend who plays mind games with you are all adding to bringing down your mental health and quality of life. Cut them out of your life. Stop taking their calls. Stand your ground and stick up for yourself. Surround yourself instead with the kind of people who make you better yourself, face your demons and give you the positivity you need to be the best version of yourself.

Treat yourself to no internet days. The world is literally on fire right now. Everything feels like it is…

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