Do Something About It

Change is really hard. But with change comes satisfaction. Comes happiness. Change is necessary.

Discovering Your Happiness

Hello loves ❤

If you hate your job so much you’d rather do just about anything other than get up and go to work, quit. If you hate coming home at the end of a long day because you can’t stand to look your partner in the face, leave. If you are sick and tired of the way your life is going, do something about it.

If you hate your life that much–change it. Stop moaning and groaning about it, and actually do something.

Do you think anyone wants to work with someone who is miserable? No. Do you think you’re doing yourself or your partner a favor by staying with them when you can’t stand to be in the same room as them? No. Do you think you’re really going after what you want when you half-ass things and give up after a few bumps? Nope.

Things aren’t going…

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You are what YOU see!!

Beautiful concept.

The Jaded Butterfly


We’ve all seen various versions of this photo, but the point is always the same.  It does not matter of others only see the small kitten that you may physically be.  What’s important is the very reflection that you see yourself.  Once you see the vision of the beautiful white, Siberian tiger…..believe that you are that tiger.  Your every move, mannerism and action should be that of the majestic tiger. The more you act like that tiger….the more others will begin to see you as that tiger as well!!

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