Sun Day

Yesterday was a kickass day.

Sun was out.

Sat outside for 3 hours reading a new book.

Halfway through but I need to take a bit of a break because some parts of it are a rough read.

At one point there was a part I was reading that I had to look away from.

The violence is not gratuitous. It aligns with the story. Just difficult to read when you have an imagination like mine.

KNUCKLEBONES Book 1 by Dave Trumbore.

Although I am not done reading yet, I will give the book a solid 4 stars. If it ends how I am hoping/thinking it might end I will increase to a 5.

The rest of the day was spent with T.

Today is cooler and overcast.

So I am okay with staying out of the sun.

We All Need Reminders

It is not over.

Despite there being a death of news coming across my news feed I still am able to see.

I can read.

I can hear.

And I can feel.

Do not look.

Do look.

Your morality is your own.

I will not browbeat.

I will not demand.

But if you cannot look at these and feel you are part of the problem.

These photos/artwork are not mine.

All rights are reserved to the artist whose works these are.

Found on Facebook.