
I stood upon the land
water brown
no longer the giver of life
but the torrents of death
wash over the shores
bleeding into the forests
while man stands
atop the mountain
crowing his delight
his utter triumph
over the natural world.

When the water dries up
where will we drink from?
When the land no longer gives food
what will we eat?
When species after species of animal
is wiped from the earth
who will teach us compassion?
Who will teach us how to care?
Not religion.
Not man.
Not woman.
No one.

We are not the chosen ones.
We are not even the best ones.
We are the demon seed
That God ejected
In hopes that evil would not find a foothold
And yet.....
Here we are.

Evil abounds.
Evil rides.
Evil is what this world thrives on.
Evil is not stopping the deaths we see.
Evil is choosing to hoard wealth
Instead of using it to make this world a better place.
Evil is looking the other way as acts are perpetrated on the innocent
Declaring there is naught I can do.
Evil is a lack of action.
Evil is a lack of voice.
Evil is clutching rosary beads
Praying for salvation
While helping the world to burn.

My words mean nothing.
My voice even less.
I have tried.
I have cried.
I have held a mirror up.
I see my lack.
I know my failures.
I know that no matter how hard I wail
I know that no matter how hard I try to show the imbalance
People chose to look away.
People chose to live their lives in ignorance.
About anything but the small world they orbit.

Do not bend knee on Sunday
And act ungodly the rest of the week.
Do not beg for forgiveness
Only to turn and repeat the behaviours
Day after Day.
Do not preach.
Do not point.
Do not use words of religion to try and rise up in the eyes of others.

I know the face of God.
For I have held him in my heart.
I know the word of God.
For I have held him in my soul.
I know love for all
And love for none.
I pretend not to be better.
I pretend not to be as smart.
I pretend a lot.
For to turn to you
the truth of my face
the honesty of my nature
is for you to admit
the my relationship is closer than yours
even as I deny it.

©April 12/24

Untitled Dark Poem #19

I knew it was a dream?

For I stood
'Pon rub'ed building
Charcoal greys
Pristine white shrouds
While in the sky
Planes roar
Mouthing platitudes
Pushing boundaries
Failure to upend
To cease
Lays more deaths upon my feet.
I scream
Harsh falcon caw
Ripped from lips 
Swirl above
Gliding with grace
Unequated to those below.
Where there was rich life
A hellish landscape
Built upon sins
Upon narcissistic gratification
A sociopath lights the world
Squealing pig
Snout to ground
Heathen hounds
Tender razor teeth
Peeling bells.
Riotous joy in the streets.
Death rode upon steed
Bleached bone
Fire for eyes
Terror stricken
He vanquished the devil
Freeing the true faith
A bless'd presence
It fades to black.

A dream?
A movie?
Words that dance from fingertips
Drawing pictures with ideas
Skewed to death
Finding comfort in the darkness.

It is easier to bleed in silence when vengeance comes knocking.