Bag of Wind

At first it seemed to entertain
an idiot and his world.
People sat
glued to their televisions
sure he was a goon.
Behind the scenes
various acts play out
all designed
to ensure
not failure.
boasting of all you have
all you own…..
Your kept wives.
Your forgotten children.
You know no love.
You know not…..
all you know
a confidence game
give them a show
fall they will
stars in their eyes.
When the first bomb exploded
you assured all you could handle
no one would dare attack again
for you are the greatest
they need to fear.
Scales begin to fall
truth becomes lies
lies become truth
infatuation dissolving
as the mask crumbles
with your childish tirades.
You are not the new god.
You are not the new hope.
You are not even a man
but a small child
whose parents never disciplined.
Tantrums and tirades
deceit and distortion
red faced
throw self to ground
screaming in rage
when everyone fails to play your way.
Your game.
Your rules.
Poor man
(not a man)
Poor boy
(play at war)
should we annihilate?
©Aug. 3/19
Picture via Pinterest