
I want explain
to have you understand
the inner workings of my mind
the memories
the experiences
that have molded me into who I am.
A little girl
rolls into a young girl
folds into a teenager
accidental young adult
ooze from my pores
swipe the bottle
hit the needle
slash the veins
anything at all
to keep these demons quiet.
Face pressed against the window
looking in
always in never out
turned away
slow realization 
you fancy my misery
my sorrow
breathing them in
fodder for your life.
I wish you could see yourself
as I do
bloated vampire
feeding on the blackened emotions
of those who surround you
suffering in silence
as you destroy each and everyone
floating before the greed
the hoard…..
Bronze prison
lower my head
sincerely lost
a pawn 
in your chess game.
©August 15/19
Picture via Pinterest