Word of the Day Challenge #48-Untitled Poem

When I was a little girl
I was taught how I was to be…..
how to smile
how to cook
how to curtsy…..
to a man
bat my eyes
squeal with delight
make him come hither and yon.
I was told to hold my tongue
to keep a civil voice in my head
no one cared to know my thoughts
no one cared if I even had ideas
I was to be another pretty face.
Groomed I was
that is what they call it now
a gentle sounding word
for so repulsive an act.
I am no longer blinded
falling apart
scared of what is inside
I am of she
she is of me
we are together
stronger than apart.
Two halves coming home.
Scalding tears
wash away the sins of this child
scour clean
the besmirching of innocence
give my life back to me.
Black leather
silk lace
danger stalks the shadows
feel the curve of my knife.
I stand up
glassy smile
foot upon your spine
time and time again
revenge shall play.
Upon your flesh
your soul
until you scream
for me to stop.
Hysterical fears
magma rage
I am tired of burning down the house
it is time to admit
it is time to cut free…..
I ain’t no lady
a venging killer I be.
©Aug. 13/19
Picture via Pinterest