Teared Truth

Truth finally seen
staring me in the face
the eyes
bald face lies
I told myself.
I mean so little
you cannot even say hello
yet sit here I do
waiting on you…..
silent drops
brutal gnawing
black hole deep within.
No I am not perfect
no I am not the best
I am not even a catch
(chuckle chuckle)
what I am is real
what I am is truth
what I am…..
a lost chance
a misplaced dream
an unspoken wish
spooling away
leaving you a lonely future
while I dance with many.
It does boggle
my mind that is
to cast away one such as I
I ask for nothing
asked for nothing
nothing at all…..
nothing is what I got
except tear falls.
©Jan. 13/20
Picture via Pinterest