Girlish Dreams

Encircled in your arms
held tight
I told you my truth
my history
expecting you to run.
Tears shed
nuzzled my neck
tightened your hold
told me I was safe.
I believed.
I trusted.
Sit here I do
blurred vision
wondering how it went wrong
why does it hurt so much still?
I was.
Tried to deny
tried to hide
feelings run deep
only in me.
What is that song?
Forgettable I am.
Heart broken
anger twisted
pain still the same
how do you make it look so easy
to let go
to walk away?
©Jan. 22/20
Picture via Pinterest


deep rooted anguish
for you no longer care.
Words are spoken
gestures are made
once actions were louder
but silence is even louder
letting me know
exactly where I stand.
You made me so happy.
You made my heart sing.
You made me cry a million times
telling me it was for my own good….
Your letting go
your saying good bye
for how else can I go forward
if I am still clinging to broken dreams?
where light once did reside
there is no welcoming reprieve
pain ebbs and flows
never really gone
lesser for awhile.
I can write so many love poems
I can write so many lyrical words
I can write……
I can destroy…..
I can maim you on paper…..
I can kill you with my pen…..
What I can not do
is kill
the feelings within.
©Jan 22/20
Picture via Pinterest