Word of the Day Challenge #82-Untitled Poem

sinuous writhing
move around
without touching his body.
Feel the heat rise
sense the lust
grim smile upon my lips
if only he knew
if only he listened
he would not be here.
They come
all shapes
all sizes
stories different
yet always the same.
life of poverty
life of pain
life lived
over and over again.
So easy to lure
to find evidence.
Given a warning
go away
change the behaviour
or you will die.
Laughed off as a joke
shrugged off as a prank
none of them listened
I will be frank…..
I live for those moments
when blood first wells
tang of copper in the air
smile upon my lips
flip of the wrist…..
flit around
gazelle like
stab in
slash out
criss cross
drop dead
how I feed my hatred.
©Jan. 14/20
Picture via Pinterest