Split Second

I wonder did you look back as you walked away? I know that you did not. I know for I stood at the living room window hidden behind the drapes. You would have seen the shadow of me peeking after you. My heart shattered. Trite I know but at my feet lay a thousand pieces. How could you leave? How could you go? I thought you loved me. I thought you cared.With wicked disregard you tore my life apart. I was a fool. Always have been you sneered at me. 
Multiple women in our bed. Vicious beating when supper was late. Lived with fear clothed in a lie of love now stripped bare. Clouds suddenly parting as I saw the vile man that you are. Mean. Little. Spittle spewing as you scream at me. Hair plucked from head standing on end cocking my head I look at you. Strange how you went from the love of my life to the object of my hatred in the blink of an eye. Scales pulled ripped off like scabs. Brutal pain spears through the heart and then a sting of stupidity a flash of hatred for my own self that I had fallen so far.
Began as a flatterer a wooer of love. Whispers in my ears of what a beautiful girl and I allowed you to fill my sight. I never noticed when my friends fell away as you became my entire being. Once alone isolated your began a campaign of terror that would last this entire time. Captive in my own home. Afraid to risk being seen going to the far side of town to shop. Hiding my face with make up and hats that did nothing to camouflage the bruises old and new. Multiple broken arms and wrists. A few head traumas. All enough to weaken me further to ensure that I would remain at your side……your very own live punching bag for when life became too much. 
I saw the light beckoning as you walked away. That is how I knew. That you never looked back as you entered death.
I gazed upon your bloody face. An expression of surprise. Eyes wide open. Caught as you roared how dare you who do you…..thunk
I have called the police.
Best put on the coffee it is going to be a long night. 

Jan. 7/20

Payment to Death…..Life

Cacophony of voices
raised in screams
in curses
blaming god
any that will listen
pleas for help
pleas for death in pain.
Bombs rain down
blow to bits
having nothing to do with this.
War room
game played
video watched
men yell
women play on phones.
What happens a world away
no bearing on the lives lived here.
flash of gold
squalor of morals
Is not this land great?
Stand with me
within this zoo.
See the children dying?
See the men crying?
See the women fleeing?
Blood and gore
brains and bones
stand with me
listen to the drones.
bombs away
look above
eyes tracking plume in the sky
it will not fall upon these shores.
©Jan. 7/20
Picture via Pinterest