
Look into the maw
gleaming blackness
shrouding your fear.
See the ghost gliding
walking forward
silent feet.
Faces flash
one after the other
nightmares of your past.
Open your mouth to scream
to denounce the burden
when it jumps.
On your back
the ghost
nay a demon true
hunkers on your chest
and inhales.
Long deep breath
feel a shifting
a tear at your heart.
Lone crystal
trickles down curved cheek
as the soulless
devours your soul
alive for a brief moment
leaving you dead within.
Jay-lyn Doerksen
July 10/18


Sweet seductress

dancing across the stars

hips swaying

fingers snapping

head back

hair brushing the floor

your lips move in silent song.

I am lost in your visage

unable to tear my eyes

from the lithe form

that is swaying

hearing no music

but a heart beat.

Half lidded eyes

desire studded lips

you are a Siren

reeling me in.


woman of stars

of reckless abandon

caught in your web

never to part.

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash