Rescue (Picture Prompt #5)

I stand
feet stockinged
water lapping at my toes
as I try to stay above
to keep breathing
to keep living
because of
instead of
the pain that infects my heart
the screams resounding in my mind
ripped silently from my mouth.
Standing a top a crooked table
upon a crooked chair
upon a crooked stack
ready to tumble
ready to break
should I move
step forward
step away.
I long to reach out
to trace my fingers over your lips
to feel them caress my own
to stare into liquid chocolate
to taste the sweetness that we were
that I long for us to be again.
You swore
you promised
you vowed
you were on the level
so why did you rip my heart apart?
Deep within the woods
swamp sucking
I stand awaiting
noose at my neck
will you save me
or will I save myself?
April 8/19
Picture prompt via John @ The Eclectic Contrarian
Word of the Day Via Word of the Day Challenge

Versatile Blogger Award Nomination

Recently Kristian from Tales from the mind of Kristian  nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. If you have not checked out his blog as of yet please do. He is an awesome writer. 

The Rules

1. If you are nominated, Congratulations you have been awarded the Versatile blogger award.

2. Thank the person who gave you the award and include a link to their blog.

3. Select 10 -15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.

4. Nominate those bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.

5. Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

7 Things about me:

  1. I am an animal lover. While at the moment I only have two cats and a child (ha ha ha) I have had a variety of animals throughout my life except rodents. No rodent like animals.
  2. Am an avid reader. At one time I thought I would never get into the world of electronic books and now find holding a ‘real’ book is actually hard on the hands.
  3. Am a hopeless romantic despite all protests to the opposite. Just have not found someone to romance me 🙂
  4. Despite wanting to shunt him off to boarding school on a daily basis my son is my sun and moon. I live for him.
  5. It took me a long time to embrace that I am a poet.
  6. I love words. I love to read words. If I see something written I must read it.
  7. I absolutely love the fact that I am no longer responsible for anything but myself and son. That the stress of being a manager at work is gone. I only have to go in do my job and go home.
  8. This last year and a bit (Dec. 23/17-now) have been the happiest of my life. There have been some ups and downs and some heartaches, but I am finally the woman that I am suppose to be.
  9. I discovered my worth. I acknowledge my worth finally to myself and will chase no one/beg no one to stay in my life.
  10. Afraid that I am a bad mom. I share and teach T things that some might find a little too much/excessive. I want him to be prepared and I want him to understand that words and actions have consequences.

My choices are:


John at The Eclectic Contrarian

Kristen at Kristen Ruchalski, Writer 

Theresa at The Haunted Wordsmith

Crushed Caramel (Learner at Love)

Rory at A Guy Called Bloke and K9 Doodlepip!

A Dad trying to cope with the loss of his partner and becoming a single Parent.

These are just a few of the great blogs that I follow. It is hard to pick only a few as everyone deserves the Versatile Blogger Award.