Who Am I to Argue?

I blinked at the man next to me.
Had never seen him before yet here he was standing where Jill had been.
Looked around. People still danced although a few were screaming and pointing.
I followed the trajectory of fingers to discover…….me at the end?
OMFG is that what I really look like? Who the hell thought I was beautiful?
Deep breaths. In. Out. Look over at the guy next to me. Is that a joint? Silently he passes to me…..
‘I’m dead now right?’
‘Appears so.’
‘Huh. What happens now?’
Death turns to me.
I realize now that he had been wearing a skin.
Proud to know this……see son I did listen when you spoke about the fortress game you played.
He drops his mask and I am confronted with the grinning skull head.
Ohhhhhhhh so scary…..
yeah I don’t think so.
‘No screaming?
No hysterics?
No pleading?
Death was in a conundrum I could see.
I suppose it is odd.
How many people has he arrived to collect and found them cool and calm?
Ready to go when the conductor screams ‘All Aboard.’
Going to go with not very often.
‘I am guessing you see more kickers and screams than those resigned/accepting of their fate?’
‘What is wrong with you?’ Death glared at me.
Tiny flames dancing in his empty eye sockets.
Honestly kinda cool.
I watched for a few moments before pulling back and smiling.
‘Well should you ask most people they would say everything.
I am dead right?
If I am dead there is no use fighting it.
If I am having a hallucinogenic dream
I will awaken.
However not often that I dream of Death
and in such detail
which leads me to believe you are the real deal.’
Death gritted his teeth.
One could see the squirrels running the exercise wheel
although when he glared at me
I realized
Death knew what I was thinking.
I grinned.
He was my ticket out of here.
Heaven or Hell?
Who knew?
He did.
Better be nice.
©May 17/20
Picture via Pinterest

Who will Know?

clink of ice cubes
slides down my throat
imaginary toasts
better than drinking alone
salute fallen comrades
there are none
make up a few
anything to justify
make it easier to swallow
mister of mouth
liquid exquisite
hate self
wicked circle
til there is no more.
who will see
who will discover
liar that is me?
Count down
til bliss over tongue
take away pain
love the flavor
I know it means death
so sorry
want to quit
want to ignore seduction
so hard
this is addiction
naked truth
bullying me
wish I had the strength…..
©May 17/20
Picture via Pinterest
Prompted by today’s Word of The Day Challenge/Prompt: https://wordofthedaychallenge.wordpress.com/2020/05/17/intimacy/