
These are my stuffies. They have been gifted to me by Tember. Gus is the green alien. Apparently he squeaks I love you when squeezed the right way. I use him to throw at the cats when they are being annoying and scratching closet door because…… is the middle of the night and why would mom want to sleep?

The moose is name Sam. I purchased him for Tember and he was regifted to me. All good. He is great cuddler.

As for big bear I have yet to rename him but he is mine now. Tember used him to try and scare me. It worked. And I got another snuggle buddy.

Last week was my full week with Tember. As always our week was filled with a lot of silliness and laughter. I came home from work on Friday……he has been cleaning the closet and decided that he was going to try to scare me……so he moved big bear into my room and put a book in his lap. I come home all innocent like and walk into my bedroom to scream because well big bear on the bed reading a book……he was not there when I left for work.

Tember thought this was hilarious.

However revenge would be mine.

Mondays I am now working 2-10:30 so regardless of my week or his dad’s Tember goes to his dad’s place.

I get home just after 10 on Monday and Tember is laying in wait for me.

‘Mom……my plan to scare you backfired on me.’


‘Well when I came down the stairs to go into my room and I saw big bear I screamed and jumped.’

I laughed. Long and hard. Ha ha revenge is mine.

What I am not going to tell him….Big Bear (the name is growing on me) scares the hell out of me every day.

One might move him out of the way but nah……at least I know he will kick start my heart even as a heart attack happens.

May 6/20

Picture is my own (stating the obvious is a fault)





Imperfect Perfection

Saucy smile
pert lips
eyes sparkle
look over the shoulder
knowing my worth.
Dancing under the moon
stars shining bright
lost in delight.
Fireflies light up the night
jasmine perfumes the air
romance is high
or at least
in my mind.
Diving through sunlit waves
grit of sand between my toes
watching seagulls dip and soar
serene smile on my face.
I am smart.
I am beautiful.
I am the wild beast within.
I am strength.
I am dreams come true.
Look twice
that is what you should do
when I walk by
for this opportunity
this beauty you see
like a wisp of smoke
curling to the sky
will dissipate
leaving within
a void
where my comfort could have been.
©May 6/20
Picture is my own