Zingers x 2

Daily Laughter courtesy of myself & Tember.

I have worked 7-3:30 Monday-Wednesday this week. I absolutely love this shift. However tomorrow I don’t start until 9 a.m.

Me: OMG I cannot wait. I get to sleep in tomorrow.
Tember: Oh you mean like an hour later?

I laughed. I barked. When I work at 7 my alarm is set for 4:30. When I work at 9…..5:30

Lately I have been teasing Tember about being blonde.
That is right I am horrible teasing him for a cliche……have you met my son?
When I first told him he was blonde…..
‘Baby’ I said ‘there are days you are brilliant and there are days that you are blonde.’
He looks at me confused for a moment.
‘Is that like everyone making fun of redheads?’
‘Yes baby that is what it is.’

Fast forward to today.
When I purchase fruit for Tember I always try to get him to save some for the next day.
I exhort him to not eat it all.
I should know by now that it is a lost cause with watermelon.
Silly mom thinking that he would not eat it all.

I go to the fridge to grab something and sure enough……
watermelon container…..
with like 5 pieces of watermelon…..maybe a little more.
I go and stand in the doorway of his room:
‘Buddy you ate basically all the watermelon and yet
put the container back in the fridge with only a few pieces left
so you could say to me that you had not eaten it all?’
‘Buddy that is being blonde.’

He laughed. And just to clarify…. the blonde does not come from my side of the family.

May 27/20
Picture is my own

Melancholic Memories

days past
times of yore
yearned for
thought of
sitting on the floor.
Laughter rings
dancing in the rain
adults as children did act
building sand castles.
Innocence regained
if for a moment.
Thunder ripped
lightening roared
shattered peace
brutal fears
waves crash upon the shore
torn asunder
lost to one another.
Sip from wine
tears track
within these pages
rose pressed
slowly turns to dust.
©May 27/20
Picture via Pinterest